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Director’s Message

Education is definitely important in one`s life. A gift of knowledge can bring us to the top of our dreams. Our whole life is the process of learning and gaining new useful knowledge. We should always remember that getting a good education is imperative in today`s society as it is a foundation for a successful future. Educating children is really worth investment..

Modern education is liberal, open, and exoteric. It is the premise of progress, in every family and in every society. It teaches children to reason. It is based on the humanism, freedom, equality, democracy, and human rights. The content of education keeps pace with the needs of modern society and is a mirror of its goals, values, and priorities

Every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care under the right guidance and provided with right education. In the current challenging times it is essential that children should not only excel in academics but should also develop courtesy, discipline, smart personality, social sensitivity and be imbibed with the traditional values and culture of our country. Childhood is the best time to lay the foundation of the core values essential for the overall development of the future citizen of tomorrow.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread.

Thus providing right foundation in right age helps in developing a better individual finally providing world with a better society to stay.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”


Mission is to help the young develop into upright, creative and loyal citizens imbued with love and concern for others, spiritual sensitivity and a sense of personal freedom, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and of opportunity and fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of nations. We wish to prepare the students of IOS so that they can face challenges with aplomb and accept success with humility. We inculcate moral values in students and want them to experience the real joy of living not just obtain a vicarious knowledge of it through books. And want them to be known as honorable leaders and not just winners, as wise and not just intelligent, as understanding and not just knowledgeable, as kind and compassionate and not just friendly.


We aim to foster in the student a commitment to doing justice and to prepare him to take his place as a competent, concerned, and responsible member of society. We dream to create leaders with the potential for influencing and transforming planning the society thus assisting in the total formation of each individual within the human community .The aim of Education proposes nothing less than to build the ideal society of tomorrow by the cultivation of human resources today.